Data Centers
Facts and Figures Impacting Data Center Water

5 billion

29.3 billion


2.9 gigawatts

Download our White Paper about Water Considerations for Data Center Site Selection and Design in Southeast Asia
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What are the significant findings from this paper?
Data center cooling systems rely on significant volumes of water to cool heat-producing servers efficiently. When evaluating a data center site, there are a number of critical water factors to consider, from country specific water availability, quality and regulations, to system design, material selection, sustainability and resiliency planning. While a data center is developed to last decades, it’s important to design your cooling system for future flexibility in terms of water systems and treatment. Each step in a data center’s development process from location to ongoing maintenance and management must consider the unique characteristics of the region.
Real-World Success Stories
We help data centers improve sustainability and maximize uptime and water savings at every stage of the facility life cycle. Learn more about our data center solutions, strategies and programs:

Optimizing Safe Water at SAP Data Centers
SAP minimizes risks and avoids unexpected costs at its data centers worldwide.

Helping a Data Center Achieve Its Water Reduction Goal
Data center reduces annual water use by 11 million liters.

Cooling Water Management
Optimize critical data center cooling assets to maximize operational availability and minimize carbon footprint.

Life Cycle Management
Solve end-to-end data center water management challenges from site selection and design through post-treatment
Constantly Innovating to Help You Meet Your Enterprise-Wide Sustainability Goals

Water Flow Intelligence
Uncover water savings opportunities via real-time visibility and data-driven insights.

Smart Water Navigator
Helping brands reach their water reduction goals.